Small artisanal company developing collectible 28mm miniatures for painting or wargaming. The first miniature range is dedicated on the 200th years from the start of the Greek War of Independence and includes Greek and Ottoman fighters.
Check also the Facebook group for Wargaming the Greek War of Independence with rules and additional information about the period.
Very Important please add as note on the checkout your preferred shipping method based on where
are located.

OTT002 Dramalı Mahmud Pasha 28mm resin miniature

GWI007 Lord Byron 28mm Resin miniature

GWI008 Greek Maniates/Islanders 28mm Resin miniatures

GWI009 Greek Maniates/Islanders 28mm Resin miniatures

OTT007 3 Egyptian Regulars walking 28mm Resin miniatures

GWI015 Greek Orthodox Priest 28mm resin miniature
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GHO001 Vampire Hussar 28mm Resin miniature

GHO002 Werewolf 28mm Resin miniature

GHO003 Female Vampire 28mm Resin miniature

GHO004 Mummy 28mm resin miniature

GHO006 King in Yellow 28mm Resin miniature

GHO007 Scottish Officer Resin miniature

GHO009 French Cuirassier 28mm resin miniature

GHO010 Mary Shelley 28mm resin miniature

GHO011 Frankenstein 28mm resin miniature

GWI016 Greek Rebel Cavalryman 28mm Resin miniature
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GWI017 Greek Rebel Cavalryman 28mm Resin miniature
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GHO012 General Lassalle 28mm resin miniature

GHO014 French Sapper 28mm resin miniature

GHO015 French Doctor 28mm resin miniature

GHO016 French Napoleonic Horror unit

BYZ002 Late Byzantine Banner man
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